H – Had to Share…

…the beautiful sliver crescent moon in the twilight of yesterday.



About sherijkennedyriverside

Left brain, right brain, I can't decide. After many years of successful visual arts pursuits, I'm working on my other creative inclinations. For the past 8 years, writing has been my second full time job, and it's worth every sleepless night. Sheri J. Kennedy grew up mostly a city-girl coasthopping from Seattle to rural Pennsylvania, Miami and back to Seattle. She currently resides on the banks of the Snoqualmie River in the scenic Cascade Mountains. Her heart has found its home.
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8 Responses to H – Had to Share…

  1. bluebrightly says:

    Oh, just gorgeous – those thin, thin crescents are my favorites!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Glad you enjoyed it. It’s my favorite phase of the moon too.


      • bluebrightly says:

        Especially when it pairs with Venus – I have great memories of seeing that a number of times after sunset over the Hudson River, just north of Manhattan, in a spot where there are no buildings across the river, so you saw the river, a lone, dark line of trees atop a cliff, and the crescent moon with Venus – magic on a summer evening! I wonder if there’s an angle where you’d see it with Mt. Si.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. That sounds amazing – I can see it from your description. Perhaps I could see it with Mt. Si if it was rising. I’ve seen some beautiful crescents with Venus too. Always a treat. In this case the moon was following the sun to set pretty soon in the western sky.


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