My New Book! Through the Cracks

Wow, I haven’t posted here for a while. I suppose you’ve noticed life’s been a bit strange this last couple years. But I had to stop by and share this with you all. It’s definitely from the heart! I’m thrilled to announce the launch of my latest Reality with a Twist book!! Through the Cracks is a rich and honest relationship story with a good measure of mystery and a bit of a supernatural element. It’s also the story of three women that fall within a wide age span, so it carries a three-generation view of life and friendship, fear and trust, and growing into who you are. I’m so excited to be sending this book out to you and into the story universe! CLICK HERE to learn more about it! Thanks for celebrating with me today!!!

About sherijkennedyriverside

Left brain, right brain, I can't decide. After many years of successful visual arts pursuits, I'm working on my other creative inclinations. For the past 8 years, writing has been my second full time job, and it's worth every sleepless night. Sheri J. Kennedy grew up mostly a city-girl coasthopping from Seattle to rural Pennsylvania, Miami and back to Seattle. She currently resides on the banks of the Snoqualmie River in the scenic Cascade Mountains. Her heart has found its home.
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9 Responses to My New Book! Through the Cracks

  1. Congratulations, and happy launch day! This is super exciting. The story sounds really intriguing.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. dedmanshootn says:


    Liked by 1 person

  3. Antonia says:

    Exciting. If you write a book, you have less time for other things. The blog will have to wait. Wish you good sales. Good luck!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. bluebrightly says:

    Congratulations, Sheri!

    Liked by 1 person

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