Scene 10/31 The Rains Came Down and…OK John, Enough Already!

DSCN4874The river has been so dry and low, and the nearby lake was literally dry. I was just talking to my blog-friend John, and he gave a wish that the waters of heaven would come down and fill this channel. You can see the post and comments HERE. Apparently his blessings carry weight!! The water is still rising tonight….OK John! The channel is full! Let’s shut off the good wishes before they are completely flooded out downstream! You can see the water in motion HERE and a huge tree rushing by on the water HERE. The size of the debris that passes is awe-inspiring!

DSCN4875DSCN4884DSCN4889The lake that was dry mud last week is full! The ducks are happy and the boats make a lot more sense now.

DSCN4894The power of the water has a beauty all its own!

About sherijkennedyriverside

Left brain, right brain, I can't decide. After many years of successful visual arts pursuits, I'm working on my other creative inclinations. For the past 8 years, writing has been my second full time job, and it's worth every sleepless night. Sheri J. Kennedy grew up mostly a city-girl coasthopping from Seattle to rural Pennsylvania, Miami and back to Seattle. She currently resides on the banks of the Snoqualmie River in the scenic Cascade Mountains. Her heart has found its home.
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6 Responses to Scene 10/31 The Rains Came Down and…OK John, Enough Already!

  1. What a lot of water! I clicked your links – loved the video footage you took; what a noise the river makes! I finished your book last weekend but forget to tell you. I loved it!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. bluebrightly says:

    Just enough though…:-)
    I saw the video – so powerful! I drove out to Duvall today, down through Carnation and Fall City and then back up to Kirkland – so much water! The Snoqualmie River Valley really , floods easily doesn’t it?


    • I think it flooded more easily since it hadn’t really rained in so long…lots of debris and sediment, says my geologist friend. But yes, it rains heavily and the water levels change quickly when the waters flow down from the mountains. Glad you saw it first hand as well as in the video, too.


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