Halo Over the River

You can’t see the water, but I could feel it and hear it in the darkness when I stepped out to admire the lunar halo through the trees. I breathed in deeply. Looking out the window or through a lens misses so many sensations and connections that a walk outside bring to life. What a pleasure to stand in the night air under the moon.

About sherijkennedyriverside

Left brain, right brain, I can't decide. After many years of successful visual arts pursuits, I'm working on my other creative inclinations. For the past 8 years, writing has been my second full time job, and it's worth every sleepless night. Sheri J. Kennedy grew up mostly a city-girl coasthopping from Seattle to rural Pennsylvania, Miami and back to Seattle. She currently resides on the banks of the Snoqualmie River in the scenic Cascade Mountains. Her heart has found its home.
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5 Responses to Halo Over the River

  1. dedmanshootn says:

    lovey picture and word picture. eased my soul just seeing/reading

    Liked by 1 person

  2. bluebrightly says:

    Well said! And photographed. 😉 Those other sensations are such an important part of the experience. Thank you for describing them along with the photo.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Beautiful photo. I agree that photos miss a lot. Video is a little better, but we still miss the full sensory experience of being there in the magical moments. ❤ It's worth our attention.

    Liked by 1 person

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